The Terracotta Warriors: An Art History Analysis
In 246 BC, one of the greatest artistic endeavors in history was taking shape. Just north of the Lishan Mountain Range outside Xi’an, China, Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the creation of a life-sized army complete with horses, artillery, weapons and provisions……all made out of clay. The formal name for this group of impressive statuary is the Army of the First Emperor Qin, but to most of the world, these are known as the Terracotta Warriors.
Beginning in 246 BC, “more than 700,000 laborers worked on the project, which was halted in 209 B.C. amid uprisings a year after Qin’s death” (Roach). It is estimated that in those 37 years of labor, those 700,000+ workers created “about 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, 150 cavalry horses, as well as officials, acrobats, strong men and musicians” (Ross). As not all of the mausoleum grounds have been excavated, the number may be slightly off. Historic and archeological circles generally feel it is accurate, which likely won’t change until a discovery tells us otherwise.

In undertaking this enormous project, Emperor Qin began one of the most innovative and challenging feats of known history. While the Greeks and Romans had already been creating life-size sculptures with intricate detail for years, the quantities which Emperor Qin required, as well as the varying characteristics incorporated, are what make the Terracotta Warriors such a spectacular undertaking. The Greeks were master craftsmen when it came to creating sculptures, but their versions of mass production were on a smaller and much more limited scale. Take, for example, the Caryatid of the Erechtheion.
When comparing the Caryatid of the Erechtheion side-by-side with the Terracotta Warriors, the most striking difference is the quantity, along with the variance in characteristics. True, the Caryatid are female while the entirety of the Warriors are male and one is made of stone while the other is made of clay, but the differences go far beyond that. If you look closely at the faces of the two groups, you will notice that the Caryatid look almost identical to each other, with just minor differences that aren’t noticeable without close inspection. Their stances are identical as well as their postures, their expressions and even their clothing are the same. They were exquisitely created, but lack a real diversity. With the Warriors, that is not the case.
Artistic Detail
Heads and Faces
Just glancing at the Terracotta Warriors, a person can see that these statues are not all the same. This is most noticeable in the faces. Some have thin faces, some have fuller faces, some have round, some square and some long. And it’s not just the face shapes that vary. Great care was put into ensuring that facial features were diverse enough to give each statue an individual appearance. Even if many have the same facial shape, there are a variety of eyebrows, noses, mustaches, chins, foreheads, cheekbones, lips, head angles, ornamentation and hairstyles.
This variety allows each man to look like his own person. British Museum curator Jane Portal and narrator Dan Snow explain the reason for this distinct collection of features in the BBC documentary Behind the British Museum-The First Emperor’s Terracotta Army, Part 4. Ms. Portal explains how the different hairstyles have to do with rank and also the areas of China which the workman came from. To further that explanation, the narrator states, “The faces in the Terracotta Army reflect the different ethnic groups brought here to work from across the empire” (Behind the British Museum-The First Emperor’s Terracotta Army Part 4).
Beyond the variety of heads and faces, the true magnitude of the complexity of this undertaking is shown in how each body also takes on an individual style and manner. While a majority of them are standing upright, they do so with a variety of postures and stances: some are leaning forward slightly; some are standing at full attention. No matter how they are standing, they all have arms at different angles with their hands in varying positions.
Along with the heads, faces and postures, even the clothing varies. The armor has different lengths in the torso as well as in the leg with the shoulder armor being different sizes and setting at different angles. Under their armor some have long pants, some have short pants, and some have skirts while some have long sleeves, some have pushed up sleeves and some have ¾ sleeves. One will also notice the variance in cravats, shoes and body types.
Overall, the size, detail and number of statues all lend to the innovativeness of the task and the complexity of the undertaking. Throughout history, others have tried to create terracotta armies, but none were as successful on such a scale as Emperor Qin. While this army holds the title of the greatest sculptural project yet to be found, it could also be the biggest sculptural project ever attempted. The Army of the First Emperor Qin is an incredibly important piece of work because of the size of the project, the fact that it survived into the 20th century and also for what it stands for.
It is believed that the Army of the First Emperor Qin “symbolizes Qin’s assertive nature…..and his desire to….carry that through to the afterlife….particularly the military quality” because ”he held his power in life through military power….and he wanted to continue to do that in the afterlife through military means” (Ross). Ross also goes on to describe how Emperor Qin began this project when he first came to power around age 13, which showed he must have been preoccupied with his legacy and the afterlife. She theorizes that he wanted to change the world around him and part of that change was to leave a monument to his reign, wealth and power. Emperor Qin’s monument has survived earthquakes, war, desecration and pillage to become an influential and awe-inspiring symbol to what man can achieve given the drive and ambition.
Click here to see the video presentation I made on the Terracotta Warriors.
“The First Emperor: China’s Terracotta Army.” The British Museum. The British Museum, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <https://www.britishmuseum.org/about_us/news_and_press/press_releases/2007/the_first_emperor.aspx>.
Lubow, Arthur. “Terra Cotta Soldiers on the March.” Smithsonian. Smithsonian Magazine, July 2009. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/terra-cotta-soldiers-on-the-march-30942673/?no-ist>.
“Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.” UNESCO World Heritage Centre. World Heritage Convention, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/441>.
Moskowitz, Clara. “The Secret Tomb of China’s 1st Emperor: Will We Ever See Inside?” LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. .
Roach, John. “Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Army.” National Geographic. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/archaeology/emperor-qin/>.
Ross, Nancy. “Terracotta Army.” 15 Oct. 2014. Lecture.
Snow, Dan, and Jane Portal. “Behind The British Museum-The First Emperor’s Terracotta Army, Part 4.” YouTube. YouTube, 23 Mar. 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrJbDeoOMPU>.
“Terracotta Army.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Sept. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terracotta_Army>.

these are such great photos!!
now i wish we had stopped to see this while we were in china.
Caitlin Cheevers
So fascinating! I just visited the Temple of Athena in May and loved it. I can’t imagine how much time the terracotta warriors took.
Those soldiers are actually a little dark and scary. Thanks for sharing
I saw a couple when they were on display a few years ago – but I would absolutely love to see them all together like that… amazing!
Amazing post! Thanks for sharing your love of history. I’ve wanted to see the terra-cotta warriors myself – your photos are great!
Tricia W.
What a great article! And, I love the photos. It is really awesome that you were able to visit and see these relics. I am so jealous !
Icar (My CHarmed Mom)
Wow! Very interesting information! I never knew that the warriors have very distinct features from eachother. I am really hoping to see this in person someday.
Sophie Bowns
Wow! I’ve never heard of these before. They’re fascinating!
Francene Stanley
The statues are a great achievement to the workers who created them. What an incredible feat. The statues continue to fascinate me whenever I see them.
Uplifting Families
The photos are amazing. It makes you wonder how long it took for then to build the statues.
These pictures are fantastic. I can only imagine what they look like in person!
I am always amazed at works like this. It is so awesome what other people have created!
This is facinating. I had not heard about this before.
tara pittman
This would be so cool to see. This must have took many hours to make these.
This was so interesting, it’s always fun to learn new things! Great photos too
Wow, this is so amazing and interesting.
I love this. Great insight on one post. I have always wanted to see them.
I generally don’t care for history, but I had no clue about this and it was so interesting! Thanks for sharing!
Cara of Stylish+Geek Blog
I have been fascinated by the Terracotta Warriors for quite some time now. Unfortunately during our family trip to Beijing we never got to see them. Fortunately they had a few of them on tour in California and we saw it. Amazing!!!! Completely!
Wow! I’d never noticed they were all so unique. Thanks for sharing!
HELLO! Amazing.. I would love to spend a day or two just looking at them and pondering what they have seen or those who visited all those years….
This is so amazing to me – such detail!
Angelic Sinova
These are some beautiful statues! I love how there are a variety of heads and faces used <3
super interesting… I feel like I learned something today.. thanks for sharing